OGCEYOD Cameroon; Green City Theatre Road Show Project Part One

The main issue that will be address is the issue of proper waste management and disposal. This will be address through sensitizations, street campaigns, training with quarter heads and youths. Human activities generate waste which can be harmful to the environment, animals, plants and the ecosystem. However, only a careful management can limit the damage done to the environment and conserve scarce resources Powell, (2001). Also, due to the rapid urbanization and how waste is viewed differently by the sexes, the available waste collection and disposal equipment do not suffice to meet the needs of the city, there is need to have an inclusive approach to plastic waste management and waste in general in order to foster sustainable development.

This project is aimed at using theatre arts display to sensitize 20 communities in Limbe on the impact of poor plastic waste disposal and poor waste disposal in general to marine/terrestrial life. It will empower communities on sustainable waste management techniques to ensure clean and healthy environment as well as promoting local waste recycling techniques for economic empowerment.
Overall Objective:
Using theatre arts display to sensitize communities in Limbe on the impact of poor waste disposal and empowering these communities on sustainable waste management to ensure clean and healthy environment as well as promoting local waste recycling techniques for economic empowerment.

Specific Objectives:
1. Mobilize and audition youths in 20 communities around the coastal line villages with basic skills in acting.
2. Organize a one-day training with 40 youths on the impact of plastic waste on marine and terrestrial beings.
3. Organize 18-days Practice sessions for 30 shortlisted candidates for the theatre road show display in 30 communities around Limbe.
4. Organize a 2 hours Green City Theatre-Road Show event in 30 communities in Limbe Sub-division on the impact and solutions to plastic waste use and disposal.
5. Showcasing products from recycling during the theatre-road show and handing out brochures of the different cycled products with the contacts of their producers.
6. Launch the “Limbe Clean City Inter-Quarter Competition”.

Implementation Strategy
Specific Objective One:
• Select 20 communities or neighborhoods and draft planned project activities in consultation with the Limbe City Council, Limbe 1, 2 & 3 Councils and the Divisional Delegation of Environment, Protection of Nature and Sustainable Development.
• Contact chiefs and quarter heads for consultative talks and mobilization of their youths for auditioning.
• Organize auditioning in 20 selected communities to select actors for the short stage skits.

Specific Objective Two:
• Send out invitation letters to selected actors through the chief and quarter head.
• Identify and invite workshop experts.
• Rent a conference hall and finalize other logistics
• Train 40 youths from 20 quarters around Limbe

Specific Objective Three:
• Mobilize 30 shortlisted youths for three weeks rehearsals.
• Develop scripts for at least 10 short skit that will be presented in 30 neighborhoods.
• Rent a hall for 18 days rehearsal with the road theatre show team.
• Train and rehears the 10 short skits with 30 actors with 18 days.

Specific Objective Four:
• Identify spots in 30 communities were skits will be performed and book them.
• Communicate days for the public performance via the radio and use “Town Criers” in communities to invite its dwellers.
• Run a 2-hour Green City Theatre-Road Show in 30 communities in Limbe.

Specific Objective Five:
• Design and produce 2000 brochures carrying different cycled products with the contacts of their producers.
• Allocate time intervals between skits for experts in local recycling to showcase their product and provide information on apprenticeship.
• Distribute brochures during the Theatre-Road show in the 30 selected quarters in Limbe.

Specific Objective Six:
• Launch the “Limbe Clean City Inter-Quarter Competition” during the Theatre-Road Show in all communities in Limbe.
• Monitor and evaluate clean up campaigns in all communities in Limbe for 6 months to facilitate selecting the best 3 cleanest communities in the Limbe city.
• Organize a ceremony to hand out prizes to winners

Organisation for Gender, Civic Engagement and Youth Development (OGCEYOD)
P.O. Box 467, Limbe
South West Region, Cameroon
Tel: (+237)674215497
Email: ogceyod@yahoo.com , projects@ogceyod.org
Website: www.ogceyod.com


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